Don’t Waste Your Money on Landscaping Until You See This!

First, we head to San Antonio, TX. The evergreens have gotten too big and are covering the front of the home. By removing the evergreens, creating a space for the trash cans, and installing colorful and low-maintenance landscaping this home’s curb appeal has transformed. Check out the YouTube video to see everything!


Next, we head to Richmond Heights, MO. This home’s small planter has been crumbling for years and takes away from the home’s aesthetics. By removing the planter and softening the space with landscaping, this home no longer has that outdated feel.


Last, we head to Plainview, NY where it is difficult to see this home. By removing the huge, overgrown bushes and updating with smaller and more appropriate plants, this home is now ready to sell. Check out the YouTube video to see everything!

Chin(AFTER without Tree).jpg

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Are you a St. Louis area homeowner? Bobby K Designs is giving away a free front yard makeover that includes landscaping, a walkway, water features, and more ($20,000 value).

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